We are always expanding our coverage network ensuring we get the stock you need to the branch or location you need it. But if you ever find yourself working away from LEW you don’t need to be stuck for products and service thanks to ElectraCentre. 

The ElectraCentre service is provided by AWEBB, the buying consortium LEW are award winning members of. This working agreement allows you to access stock at over 230 other like minded wholesalers across the UK and Ireland, using your LEW account and pricing. Bringing so many benefits and added convenience for when you are working away from your local LEW, as explained in this handy video.



When using another ElectraCentre branch, you’ll be using your LEW account and pricing. So straight away you know what exactly you will be paying for the products you need. You also will be invoiced to your LEW account as normal. It is like using a LEW trade counter as normal. 


While we pride ourselves on having some of the best people in the country offering the award winning service daily. AWEBB members are also built up of independent wholesalers who are like-minded  and will deliver great service and advice as you would expect from independent wholesalers. So you will be satisfied knowing you will get great service from people who know what they’re doing. 


With the accounts and pricing side taken care of even before you walk in, the next easy thing is finding an ElectraCentre. www.myelectracentre.co.uk lists all the centres nearby and displays address and opening times. Or as you are driving about look out for the ElectraCentre sign. 


Every time you use an ElectraCentre, you are supporting another independent wholesaler compared to a national chain. Meaning they will be supporting the local community and trades people.

If you have a LEW trade account there is nothing more you need to do to get start benefiting today from ElectraCentre. Simply add www.myelectracentre.co.uk to your favourites to remember how to find branches. And if you don’t have a LEW trade account, you can always open one online here